Local Entity Services

International corporate groups and their German subsidiaries are regularly faced with the challenge of having to bridge the linguistic and cultural differences that exist between “two worlds”, whether in relation to communication between local management and the parent company, or within the relationship between the local business unit and German business partners, service providers or authorities. Add legal issues to the mix and matters quickly be come complicated because in addition, there will be a coming together of different legal systems.

Our team “Local Entity Services“ which is made up of internationally trained lawyers who are specifically experienced in this field, supports a portfolio currently consisting of around 60 clients with an international shareholder structure in relation both to day to day legal matters and group specific assignments.


The team has proven expertise in a range of sectors which include:


Connecting the local entity to the group:

  • Integration into cross-border cash pooling systems, inclusion in group financing and associated provision of collateral
  • Adaptation of uniform group policies (code of conduct, whistleblowing, etc.) to the requirements of German law
  • Implementation of group wide remuneration systems
  • Employment law support and advice in relation to international restructurings
  • Implementation of uniform group distribution systems


The local entity on-site in Germany:

  • Assistance with locating and purchasing/renting commercial properties and with property development, and in communicating with the planning authorities
  • Advice on financing issues (factoring, leasing, sales financing/collateral)
  • Advice on all issues relating to the state regulation of business activities (e.g. access to the financial markets) and communication with the competent authorities
  • Advice on all marketing and sales issues (permitted advertising , product launches, general terms and conditions of business, framework agreements, matters concerning sales representatives and authorised dealers and competition law in relation to sales )

Our team


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